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Showing posts from May, 2024

“A Sly Chuckle”

 “A Sly Chuckle” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  A sly chuckle a naughty giggle  a mischievous grin a wicked snicker  a sinister smirk a smug grin  a teehee a side splitter left in stitches …

“Give Me a Hint”

 “Give Me a Hint” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán Give me a hint a smidgeon a bit  a tad a tip a tinge a whisper a flicker a sniff  an inference an auspice lickety-split …

“At the Heart”

 “At the Heart” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  At the heart median intervening midway between the mainstream  as humanity charity empathy  well being freely giving tender feelings self esteem …

“Stretches of Time”

 “Stretches of Time”  by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Stretches of time indefinite dimensions opposite metrics inconsequential spells unheralded respites ultimately, “At Rest” …

“Lightening Up”

 “Lightening Up” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán Lightening up unwinding  loosening up calming down hanging loose easing up  kicking back vegging out  giving some slack …

“Lining Up”

“Lining Up” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Lining up realigning setting straight  tailor making interfacing inlaying making up smoothing over  working through figuring out piecing together seeing eye-to-eye …

“Dying Down”

 “Dying Down” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Dying down pooping out the low down slowing down easing up on the up and up  ebbing flowing fading waxing waning dropping away …