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Showing posts from June, 2023

“Belt Loops and a Zip Fly”

 “Belt Loops and a Zip Fly” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Belt loops and a zip fly boxy tops satin bras  meant for partnering crisp white poplin stuffed with cotton soft friendly bodies beanbag bottoms accented with tops of ankle-length charm … 


 “Rebooting” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Rebooting remaking repurposing reiterating  re-inventing re-directing re-visiting  re-twinkling re-thinking …

“An Enduring Unusualness”

 “An Enduring Unusualness” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  An enduring unusualness  virtually wordless playfulness of voice  improvised “oo-wah, ah-oo” bouncy buoyancy rousing joy  raucously recorded electronic warp…

“An Unnervingly Energizing Presence”

 “An Unnervingly Energizing Presence” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  An unnervingly energizing presence crumbling into unanswerable darkness  sending the silverware rattling  as a latter-day answer  to a truly raw performance  having dangled slews of rewards—but of course …