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Showing posts from January, 2023


 “Dissolving” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Dissolving frontiers compelling detritus  intersecting absences plus presences  established as abruptly distended creative credentials…


 “Doozies” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Doozies as boomers  that can chinwag  with caterpillars  while asking, “Are you down for this?” in indie films …


 “Sugarcoated” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Sugarcoated  inaugural poems  forgiving student loans  reciting the rosary  free speech alternative spellings all blended together …

“Not Feeling It”

 “Not Feeling It” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Not feeling it —“I’m not THAT gullible!” on again off again as a flame or a romance  starting at a swanky party for koalas or U.F.O.s considered significant others …


 “Hello…Hello…Hello” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom  Hello…Hello…Hello Well, aren’t you clever!? at high levels  like blinker or peeper  marketing spiels along with official whistling  “Sounds good to me” …


 “Chatter” by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Chatter banter  hereafter forever after  yada yada yada blah blah blah  playing talking parts  yada yada yada blah blah blah  yackety yack—don’t talk back …


 “Looking”  by Suzán Jiván Mom & Mom-Mom Suzán  Looking for the right world  spinning words  shooting the breeze  showing off heels  happiness peaking  as satin and steel  speaking inner peace …